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Unleash is looking to feature art at unleashlit.com inthe month of September. This online exhibit will inspire an ekphrastic follow-up publication. Writers will be challenged to write to their favorites, and we'll publish those in January 2025.

Open to all artists.
All visual art mediums accepted including painting, drawing, photography, digital art, sculpture, etc.

Artwork Requirements
Artwork must be original and created solely by the submitting artist
Maximum of 5 artwork submissions per artist
Images must be high-resolution JPG or PNG files, minimum 300 dpi

Complete the artwork submission form including:
Title of artwork
Year created
Brief description (150 words max)
Upload artwork image file(s)
Submit for consideration


Important Dates
Submissions deadline: August 15th
Exhibition dates: The month of September


By submitting, artists agree that their artwork may be displayed online and used for promotional purposes. All rights remain with the artist.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.